Creating Profiles
Welcome to the SimBox documentation for profile creators.
This section will guide you through the process of creating and editing profiles for specific aircraft.
We know, that creating profiles is not an easy task, but we are here to help you with that.
In case of any questions or issues, please feel free to contact us via Discord.
You can preview one of the existing profile files to get a better understanding of how it looks like in already created profiles.
- SimBox Control installed
- SimBox Client up and running (for dev purposes browser version is the best option)
- Basic knowledge of JSON file format
- Knowledge about MSFS/XPLANE SDK
📄️ Profile Initialization
SimBox profiles are created using a simple JSON format. If you're not familiar with JSON, you can learn more about it here or here.
📄️ Template
template section of the profile is used to define the layout of the virtual cockpit. It's a JSON object that contains a list of elements, such as buttons, switches, and knobs.
📄️ Store
Store is a central point for storing and retrieving data in the profile. It is used to store the current state of the profile, such as the current value of the knob or the current state of the switch.
📄️ Actions
Actions are the response instructions to the events that are triggered by the user. Each action is a set of instructions that will be executed.
📄️ Virtual Knob
Virtual knob is a component that allows users without physical knobs to interact with the simulator in a similar way. It can be used to control various functions like radio frequencies, autopilot settings, etc.
📄️ CDU
In SimBox, you can create your own CDU for specific aircraft. All the examples below are based on the ATR CDU, that is already available in the SimBox Control app.